This slideshow posted Wednesday September 4


The View from my apt. deck.
The blue awning in the center is on the alley
that I want to explore

Window view

Same View the alley is lit

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Walked out the apt. and turned left on the "Main Street" (Hwy 4)

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Passed the shrine

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Went 1 block and turned left into alley(Soi 78)
it's about 2 big blocks long - Look at what I found!

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So much to see. . .

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Is Hua Hin safe?
It's 10pm and this shop is closed for the night

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Is your patio this neat?

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The view over a fence

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Another unusual shrine

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Even a outdoor bar and lounge

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A shrine at the end of the street

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Alley ends at the train station, turn right and 2 blocks to terminal.

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Lot's to see along the way

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The Train Station, note. the shrine

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The Shrine upclose

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The Shrine upcloser, note water bottles

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A tree only a Botanist could love

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Shrines to lead us home!

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Good Night!

t’s funny, I was once told “one day, you will run out of ideas!”. Well ,for the past 2 days it’s been raining with no photos or ideas. But, last night, Tuesday, after dinner I thought I would explore the alley(Sol 78) 1 block north of our apartment. Take a look at what I found.